M.Div Pastor, teacher, cnference speaker and writer
Increasing numbers of believers are not experiencing the joy and life-change offered by Jesus Christ. They are living with troubled hearts. In “The Untroubled Heart” seminar Dennis Kizziar explains the heart from a biblical perspective, identifies the three common obstacles to a life of freedom and shows step by step how to rediscover God’s joy and peace. Want to live with heart that has been changed, freed, healed, and renewed? It’s time to get to the heart of the matter!
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1. Understanding the Heart Biblically. The Definition and the Dimensions of the Heart.
When we don't understand how spiritual heart works, we have problems and difficulties and behavior issues. In this section of the lecture 'Understanding the Heart Biblically' Dennis Kizziar explores the question 'How can men and women who put their trust in Christ make terrible mistakes and turn away from Him?' Watch this video to discover the biblical message about your heart - 2.
2. Understanding the Heart Biblically. The Diagnosis of the Heart.
In this section of the lecture 'Understanding the Heart Biblically' Dennis Kizziar is going to discuss thirteen ailments enlisted by Jesus in the Scriptures. The first seven are 'inward' sinful attitudes that are harder to diagnose. The final six are 'outward' sinful actions that may be visible to others. So what signs of a sinful heart are described in Mark 7:21-22? Watch this video to find out! - 3.
3. Understanding the Heart Biblically. The Descriptions and the Devastation of the Heart.
How does the Bible describe the heart? Why do we need to have our hearts radically changed by Christ? In this section of the lecture Dennis Kizziar talks about four characteristics that reveal evil in the self-absorbed human heart and lead to man's rebellion against the authority of God and pride in his own supposed self-adequacy. Watch this video to recall how Adam and Eve failed the test in the Garden of Eden and learn why people still choose the same path when confronted with temptation. - 4.
4. Experiencing the Changed Heart. What is Conversion?
When we commit our lives to Jesus, what is really happening? Our hearts are being transformed. This spiritual conversion takes place in three dimensions of our hearts: our intellect, our emotions and our will. In this section of the lecture 'Experiencing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar shares some stories connected with conversion. - 5.
5. Experiencing the Changed Heart. How does Conversion Take Place in the Heart?
When a person experiences spiritual conversion, he gains a new heart. And it is the most wonderful thing that can happen to a man and a woman on this side of heaven. But how does conversion take place in the heart? In this section of the lecture 'Experiencing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar explains what conviction, illumination, internalization and confession mean. Watch this video to learn how conversion affects our hearts. - 6.
6. Experiencing the Changed Heart. Consecration.
So many Christians today are converted but not consecrated. In this section of the lecture 'Experiencing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar talks about consecration as the process of changing from a self-centered life to a God-centered life. Watch this video if you want to learn more about consecration and devote yourself without reservation to God's way. - 7
7 Freeing the Changed Heart. Introduction. Guilt and Guilt Feelings.
One of the greatest causes of spiritual defeat is a guilty conscience which prevents men and women from living with a free heart. In this section of the lecture 'Freeing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar focuses on some possible reasons for guilt feelings and shares some stories about people who carried a heavy burden of guilt. If your heart is trapped by guilt, you need to watch this video to consider the causes of guilt and learn more about traps that most often ensnare us. - 8
8 Freeing the Changed Heart. Powerful Reminders of God's Grace.
Whatever your guilt is, you can free your heart from that burden and throw off the shackles.It takes a mature faith to accept God's forgiveness and forgive ourselves. In this section of the lecture 'Freeing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar shares powerful reminders of God's grace which describe the extent of His forgiveness. Watch this video to learn three spiritual truths that will give you confidence and will help you drop your burden of guilt on the side of the road and leave it there as your journey into the future God has planned for you. - 9
9 Freeing the Changed Heart. Purposeful Responses to God's Grace.
How do we respond to our mistakes? Do we hang onto our guilt and allow the devil to use it against us? Or do we give our mistakes and our guilt to God and ask Him to forgive us? In this section of the lecture 'Freeing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar asks us to consider the purposeful responses to God's grace and put guilt in its place. If you commit to working through these responses to guilt feelings, you will be on your way to freedom. - 10
10 Freeing the Changed Heart. How to Free Our Hearts of Bitterness.
Bitterness is the most common and contagious hurtful condition that plaques our hearts. It is the easiest to justify and the most difficult to diagnose. In this section of the lecture 'Freeing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar explains how bitterness develops and makes us prisoners of our own making. Watch this video to discover the path to freedom from bitterness. - 11
11 Freeing the Changed Heart. Forgiveness is a Process.
Just as there is a process in reaching a state of bitterness, so there is a progression to letting go of bitterness and arriving at forgiveness. In this section of the lecture 'Freeing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar invites us to explore the Scriptures and examine the steps that will enable us to put aside our feelings and move in God's will, enabling Him to forgive us and wipe away the stain of bitterness on our hearts. - 12
12 Freeing the Changed Heart. Four Promises to Myself.
How do we know that we really have forgiven someone? In this section of the lecture 'Freeing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar answers this key question. He also shares the rest of the story about his Uncle Bob whose heart was destroyed and poisoned by bitterness. Watch this video if you want to learn what four promises we should give to ourselves to be able to forgive from the heart. - 13
13 Freeing the Changed Heart. Be Careful. Be Prayerful.
Scripture is clear about the Lord's antidote for anxiety. It is presented to us through the words of the apostle Paul in his letter to the Philippians. We are given not only a command but also the means to obey the command. In this section of the lecture 'Freeing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar talks about the importance and the value of prayer. Watch this video if you want to learn how to experience God's presence, power and peace in your life - 14
14 Freeing the Changed Heart. Developing an Attitude of Gratitude.
In this section of the lecture 'Freeing the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar focuses on another requirement in Paul's letter to the Phillippians to give thanks in all circumstances. What happens when we adopt the attitude of gratitude? What does it look like in real life? Watch this video to learn some effective ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude and rediscover the joy and peace of an untroubled heart. - 15
15. Strengthening the Changed Heart. Guard Your Heart Diligently.
The first way to strengthen the heart is to guard the heart diligently. In this section of the lecture 'Strengthening the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar shares some biblical guidelines to help the believers to take care of the wellspring of life and keep it on the right path. Watch this video to learn how to exercise great diligence and keep the source of life from deadly contamination. - 16
16. Strengthening the Changed Heart. Nurture Your Heart Constantly.
We know that eating healthy food will nourish our bodies. How, then, should we nurture our hearts? You may ingest the nourishment that is God's Word, but if you don't consistently digest it, you will eventually grow weak, and your heart will be vulnerable to the snare of the enemy. In this section of the lecture 'Strengthening the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar talks about praying the prayers of the heart from the heart and explains how to do that. Watch this video to learn the definition of meditation. - 17
17. Strengthening the Changed Heart. Why Meditate? What Meditate on?
Meditation is an effective way to avoid the disconnection between a head full of Scripture and the heart full of sin. In this section of the lecture 'Strengthening the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar talks about the best way to nurture the heart and explains how and why we should meditate. Watch this video to learn more about the often forgotten practice of meditation and discover the power of removing the old thinking and replacing it with God's truth. - 18
18. Empowering the Changed Heart. The Importance of the Holy Spirit.
God gives us His Holy Spirit to empower our internal life and transform us into the image of Christ. In this section of the lecture 'Empowering the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar talks about the things the Holy Spirit has already done in the life of every believer and His present ministry which helps us to live with free and untroubled heart. Watch this video if you want to know about the problems people face when they try to suppress the old nature and discover God's way of dealing with it. - 19
19. Empowering the Changed Heart. The Believer’s Responsibility. Positive Commands.
Keeping in step with the Spirit is the key to living the victorious Christian life. But for the Holy Spirit to do His work, we must voluntarily give up control to Him. In this section of the lecture 'Empowering the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar reminds us of the believer's responsibility to be filled with the Spirit and to walk in the Spirit, for if we fall out of step with the Spirit, our hearts are headed for trouble. So watch this video to learn more about two positive commands that will empower you to live a holy life. - 20
20. Empowering the Changed Heart. Negative Commands.
Just as there are two positive commands that will empower us to live holy lives, we also must pay attention to two negative commands. In this section of the lecture 'Empowering the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar talks about the believer's responsibility not to quench the Spirit and not to grieve the Spirit. This means that we mustn't suppress or subdue His promptings and must say NO to sin. - 21
21. Empowering the Changed Heart. Fruit of the Spirit. Conclusion.
When we allow the Holy Spirit to be in control of our lives, there is freedom. To be free means death to our old nature and its selfish desires. In this section of the lecture 'Empowering the Changed Heart' Dennis Kizziar talks about the wonderful character traits embodied in the fruit of the Spirit. As we rely on the Holy Spirit to empower us to live out His love and truth on a daily basis, we will demonstrate to ourselves and to a lost world that it is possible to have an untroubled heart in troubled times.