EdD Founder & President, Designed to Serve
This course offers an in-depth study of spiritual gifts. An expository approach is used to examine the four primary biblical passages on this topic: Romans 12; 1 Corinthians 12-14; Ephesians 4 and 1 Peter 4. The two-fold purpose is: (1) to gain a theological understanding of spiritual gifts; and (2) to apply that understanding to the students’ personal lives and to the ministry of their churches.
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1. Two Callings
Before the foundation of the world God loved you even before He made you. And when He made you He knew that you would have some special assignment and purpose to accomplish. And He equipped you with everything you need to do it. In this session Steve Lake is talking about God having two callings for our life. God calls us to Himself and we have a personal relationship with Him. We are also called to help other people. In this session you are going to discover how your spiritual gift is connected with your purpose in life. - 2
2. Overview of the Spiritual Gifts
Your spiritual gift is a huge part of your calling. 80% of your reason to be here is based on your spiritual gift. So what is the definition of the spiritual gift? In this session Steve Lake explores 1 Corinthians 12:1-7, puts spiritual gifts into categories which align with a body and provides a brief overview of twenty-one spiritual gifts listed in the Scripture. - 3
3. Your Calling
How do you actually know what spiritual gift you have? Taking a 'Spiritual Gift Inventory' can be helpful if you want to understand your abilities, but it is not the best option if you want to know what God does through you. You don't figure out your spiritual gift, God reveals it to you in His way and in His timing. The only way to discover your spiritual gift is to serve people. In this session Steve Lake shares the truths about spiritual gifts and dwells on three key elements which will help you notice your gifts. - 4
4. Your Walk
Every ministry needs spiritual gifts. How do you actually use your spiritual gift to make a difference? How do you know where to plug in? Which way do you go in serving? In this session Steve Lake ties spiritual gifts with calling and explains how God has placed in our hearts a certain audience or social issues where you can make a difference. - 5
5. The Holy Spirit
Steve Lake believes that the Holy Spirit is the least understood and the most neglected person of the Trinity. Since the Holy Spirit is the spiritual gift we really should know a lot more about Him than we do now. We can't live a Christian life on our own power. In this session Steve Lake looks at an amazing verse in John 16:7and talks about the ministry of the Holy Spirit. - 6
6. The Basics: 1 Corinthians 12:1-3
Paul didn't want the Corinthian church to be ignorant about spiritual gifts. Unfortunately, according to the statistics, believers in modern churches don't understand the concept of spiritual gifts because this topic isn't often addressed from the pulpit. In this session Steve Lake turns to 1 Corinthians 12:1-3 and begins an expository study by looking at the background of the city of Corinth; he shares the results of the survey about spiritual gifts and warns about the danger of spiritual gifts becoming idols. - 7
7. The Basics: 1 Corinthians 12:4-6
On the one hand, the Trinity seems to be a very easy concept to grasp. But on the other hand, it is hard to understand how three distinct persons can be one. What is the definition of the Trinity? In this session Steve Lake continues the expository study of 1 Corinthians 12, goes back to the Book of Genesis to show how all three persons of the Godhead work together, points out that there is diversity and unity in the Body of Christ and in the Trinity and gives examples of different analogies which are used to help our finite mind to understand the concept of the Trinity. - 8
8. The Basics: 1 Corinthians 12:7-11
1 Corinthians 12:7 is the most important single verse on spiritual gifts. It answers four questions about spiritual gifts: Who has spiritual gifts? What are spiritual gifts? Who gives spiritual gifts? Why are spiritual gifts given? In this session Steve Lake comes to the end of the expository study of 1 Corinthians 12 and unpacks the verses from 7 to 11 to gain more insight about spiritual gifts. - 9
9. The Basics: Romans 12:1-8
Eric Henry Liddell was a Scottish athlete and a missionary in China, who was living his life for Christ in the midst of adversary and persecution. In this session Steve Lake looks at the life of Eric Liddell who surrendered his life to Christ and unpacks the verses from the Book of Romans that are related to spiritual gifts and helps to understand the motivation for using spiritual gifts. - 10
10. Spiritual Gifts and Natural Abilities
Every Christian has a spiritual gift. But we also have abilities given to us by God. In some ways they are the same. In some ways they are different. So what are the similarities and differences between spiritual gifts and abilities? In this session Steve Lake uses the analogy of decaffeinated coffee and regular coffee and compares the things we already know about spiritual gifts to the results of research about natural abilities. - 11
11. Analogy to the Body: Unity
The human body is an incredibly complex organism with 75 organs. Different parts of the body form one unit. Each unit has a different function and yet they are interrelated. In this session Steve Lake shares five principles regarding Paul's analogy of the human body to the Body of Christ in Romans 12:4-6 which is an absolutely amazing illustration of how the church operates. He also talks about the importance of learning biblical principles during self-study and meditation. - 12
12. Analogy to the Body: Diversity
Jesus Christ wants the Body of Christ to remain united, but diversity presents a great challenge. In this session Steve Lake looks at 1 Corinthians 12:12-14 and talks about the incredible diversity within unity which is taking place in the Church of Jesus Christ. - 13
13. Analogy to the Body: Interdependence
All of us have a place within the Body of Christ. We should remember that God knows exactly where we should be. God has assigned a field of activity for us to work in and we shouldn't work in another person's field. We should also remember that the scope of our ministry is in God's hands. In this session Steve Lake looks at 1 Corinthians 12:15-21 and talks about the principle of interdependence within unity. - 14
14. Analogy to the Body: Equality
We are all part of one Body of Christ and each of us has a unique role. Paul explains to the Corinthian church that everybody is equal in the body of Christ. It is a very important principle for us to remember because often we make certain gifts feel like they are second-class citizens. In this session Steve Lake looks at 1 Corinthians 12:21-30 and talks about equality within unity. - 15
15. Analogy to the Body: Uniqueness
There are five great principles that Paul talked about in his letter to the Corinthian church when he compared the Body of Christ to the human body. Everyone is unique in their giftedness and in their abilities and should find a way to contribute to the church. In this session about the analogy of the church to the body Steve Lake looks at 1 Corinthians 12:27-31 and talks about the principle of uniqueness within unity of spiritual gifts. - 16
16. The Gift of Administration
The spiritual gift of administration literally means “guiding the helm”. In this session Steve Lake uses the image of a ship to talk about believers who guide and steer the local church and chart the course to a destination. They don't decide on the target, they determine the best way to get there. Biblical examples, a visual aid, quotes from commentaries illustrate the purpose of the spiritual gift of administration. Questions at the end of the lecture will help you to figure out if you have this spiritual gift. - 17
17. The Gift of Faith
The person with the spiritual gift of faith believes that God is always trustworthy. This trust goes beyond human faith. The Holy Spirit enables the believer to see God’s vision and trust Him to fulfill it. In this session Steve Lake talks about the gift of faith and tells us a story about Jean Francois Blondin. Biblical examples, a visual aid, quotes from commentaries help to understand the purpose and the meaning of this spiritual gift. Questions at the end of the lecture will help you to figure out if you have the firm persuasion in the trustworthiness of God. - 18
18. The Gift of Knowledge
In this session Steve Lakes talks about the gift of knowledge and its place in 1 Corinthians 12. The literal meaning of the gift is “to speak known or revealed truth”. It’s when the Holy Spirit works through a believer to deliver God’s truth at the exact moment it’s needed. Biblical examples, a visual aid, quotes from commentaries and stories from life help to have a clear understanding of the role of this spiritual gift. Questions at the end of the lecture will help you to think about your own walk with Christ. - 19
19. The Gift of Wisdom
The spiritual gift of wisdom means “to see life and apply truth from God’s perspective”. It’s when the Holy Spirit works through believers to apply biblical truth to specific needs in the Body. Believers with this gift often have others come to them for counsel. In this session Steve Lakes explains the difference between the worldly wisdom and wisdom from above. Biblical examples, a visual aid, quotes from commentaries and stories from life help to have a clear picture of a believer who has insight into the true nature of things. Questions at the end of the lecture will help you to figure out if God has given you this gift of wisdom. - 20
20. The Gift of Discernment
The spiritual gift of discernment is a spiritual x-ray. Believers with this gift can 'see' inside a person's heart. They sense if someone's intentions are good or evil. They know if their words are true or false. They perceive if people are God's sheep or wolves in sheep's clothing. In this section Steve Lake describes an invaluable gift in the Body of Christ that protects the church from harm. Biblical examples, a visual aid, quotes from commentaries and stories from life illustrate how this gift helps to avoid problems and maintain unity in the Body. Questions at the end of the lecture will help you to discover if you have this spiritual gift or not. - 21
21.The Gift of Leadership
The spiritual gift of leadership literally means “to stand before”. It’s when the Holy Spirit works through believers to cast a vision of a preferred future. Leaders paint word pictures that motivate others to make it happen. They also know which job to assign people based on their strengths. In this session Steve Lake talks about people who can influence others toward strengthening the church. Biblical examples, a visual aid, quotes from commentaries and stories from life illustrate what spiritual results the gift of leadership may bring. Questions at the end of the lecture will help you to see if you are the believer who can inspire others to work together toward a common goal or not. - 22
22. The Gift of Prophecy
The spiritual gift of prophesy means “to declare the mind and counsel of God”. The Holy Spirit works through believers to declare God’s rebuke, comfort or plans and the Holy Scriptures support whatever prophets say. In this session Steve Lake talks about the prophets who don’t share “new revelation” from God but reveal truth about existing situations. Biblical examples, a visual aid, quotes from commentaries and stories from life help to gain insight into the gift of prophesy. Questions at the end of the lecture will help you to understand if you are chosen by God to share a message from Him with individuals and groups. - 23
23. The Gift of Teaching
The spiritual gift of teaching means “to impart spiritual instruction”. The Holy Spirit works through believers to make the Bible so clear that people understand and apply it. Believers with this gift not only preach from the pulpit, they teach Sunday school, Bible classes, and small groups. In this session Steve Lake talks about teachers who can clarify truth for life change. Biblical examples, a visual aid, quotes from commentaries and stories from life help to understand what it means to be an effective teacher. Questions at the end of the lecture will reveal if teaching is your calling. - 24
24. The Gift of Tongues
The spiritual gift of tongues means “to speak a language unknown to the speaker”. The Holy Spirit works through believers to praise God, to bring a message to believers, or to witness to unbelievers. It is a “sign gift” used for evangelistic outreach. In this session Steve Lake talks about the gift of tongues and its usage during private worship, church services or in public. Biblical examples, analogies, quotes from commentaries and stories from life help to understand the typical roles and significance of tongues. - 25
25.The Gift of Interpretation
Paul cautions that the use of tongues requires the presence of a believer with the gift of interpretation. A believer with the gift of interpretation is literally “a messenger of God”, who translates words spoken in a foreign tongue into the language of the listeners. Believers with this gift are responsible to fully and accurately relay God’s message. In this session Steve Lake talks about the spiritual gift of interpretation of tongues. Biblical examples, analogies, quotes from commentaries and stories from life make this lecture very interesting. - 26
26. The Gift of Intercession
The spiritual gift of intercession literally means “conversation”. The Holy Spirit works through believers to pray on behalf of others. People with this gift are “prayer warriors”, they love to pray and their prayers are fervent and consistent. When answers come, they thank God reverently and humbly, when prayers are unanswered, they continue to pray obediently. In this session Steve Lake talks about people with the gift of intercession who bring before God various needs in people's lives and in the Church. Biblical examples, analogies, quotes from commentaries and stories emphasize the importance of lending a helping hand in prayer. Do you have this spiritual gift? Questions at the end of the lesson will help you to find the answer. - 27
27. The Gift of Encouragement
The spiritual gift of encouragement literally means “to call to one’s side”. It means to care, comfort, confront, challenge and correct. Believers with this gift care deeply about others. They come alongside to comfort those hurting spiritually or emotionally. They also confront and challenge them to correct their mistakes. In short, they are like Barnabas was to John Mark. In this session Steve Lake talks about believers with the gift of encouragement or exhortation who serve in ministries that focus on care and compassion. Biblical examples, analogies, quotes from commentaries and stories from life paint the picture of the gift which helps to draw people closer to Him. If you intuitively sense when a believer is struggling with faith and urge him not to give up, you are likely to have this gift. - 28
28. The Gift of Hospitality
The spiritual gift of hospitality literally means “to welcome strangers”. It’s the Holy Spirit working through believers to create settings that promote fellowship and spiritual conversations. Believers with this gift host people they don’t know, or don’t know well, for food or shelter. In this session Steve Lake talks about believers who make their home a place where people feel welcomed and valued. Biblical examples, analogies, quotes from commentaries and stories from life make this lecture very interesting. - 29
29. The Gift of Mercy
The spiritual gift of mercy literally means “to help the afflicted”. The Holy Spirit works through believers to care for the hurting with cheerful acts of compassion. Those with this gift come alongside the broken and seek to lighten their load. In this session Steve Lake talks about compassion and empathy in action. Biblical examples, analogies, quotes from commentaries and stories from life help understand the importance of sharing the pain of other people through taking part in home or hospital visitation. - 30
30. The Gift of Shepherding
Throughout the Bible shepherds illustrate our relationship with God. Shepherds watch over a flock of sheep. They guide them to food and water. When sheep stray, shepherds bring them back into the fold. They take care of wounded sheep and willingly sacrifice themselves to protect the sheep. The spiritual gift of shepherding means “to guide, nurture, and protect a flock”. The Holy Spirit works through believers to oversee the spiritual welfare of a group of believers. Shepherds assume responsibility for a group of believers over a period of time. They help people grow spiritually and intervene when struggles, pain or need threaten a member’s progress. In this session Steve Lake talks about shepherds who serve as small group leaders or facilitators. - 31
31. The Gift of Giving
The spiritual gift of giving literally means “to share a thing with anyone”. The Holy Spirit works through believers to donate or supply resources to those in need. The gift not only includes money, it also involves time and talent. In this session Steve Lake talks about believers with the gift of giving who are God's channel for providing needed resources. Biblical examples, analogies, quotes from commentaries, stories and question at the end of the lecture will help you understand if you are one of the joyful givers who is willing to provide the church with material resources needed for ministry without credit or fanfare. - 32
32. The Gift of Helps
In this session Steve Lake talks about the gift of helps.The spiritual gift of helps means “to serve in practical ways”. It is the Holy Spirit working through believers to perform necessary tasks that support ministry. People with this gift willingly set up chairs, prepare mailings, type the church newsletter, perform clerical tasks, and do many other jobs. Moreover, they work joyfully knowing that what they do makes ministry happen. - 33
33. The Gift of Healing
There are different types of healing - physical, mental, emotional, relational and spiritual. The spiritual gift of healing means “to restore to health and wholeness.” The Holy Spirit works through believers to free people from illness. In this session Steve Lake talks about healings which are primarily meant to validate God’s Word to unbelievers. Some Christians believe healing, miracles, tongues, and interpretation don’t exist today. They claim these gifts were needed only until the New Testament was written. Do 'miraculous gifts' still exist? Do you have the spiritual gift of healing? Watch this lecture to find out. - 34
34. The Gift of Miracles
In this session Steve Lake talks about the gift of miracles.The spiritual gift of miracles means “to demonstrate God’s supernatural power.” It’s when the Holy Spirit works through believers to validate God’s Word as a testimony to unbelievers. It’s a “sign gift” to nonbelievers that God exists and His Word is true. It’s not meant for Christians, but intended for evangelistic outreach. Miracles are the altering of natural law through God’s power. - 35
35. The Gift of Apostleship
The spiritual gift of apostleship literally means “to be sent forth.” Believers with this gift are sent by God through a church to deliver a message or complete a task. They are roving ambassadors for Christ. In this session Steve Lake talks about believers who want to start something new, to found new ministries or to plant churches. Do you have a desire to go to a specific geographical place to preach the Gospel or start a ministry? - 36
36. The Gift of Evangelism
All Christians are to evangelize; but not every Christian has the gift of evangelism. Those that do have spiritual radar that spots evangelistic opportunities. They have the ability to go out, sense when people are ready to accept Christ, they often initiate meaningful spiritual conversations and invite people to receive Jesus Christ. In this session Steve Lake talks about the gift of evangelism which means 'to bring good tidings' with the purpose of leading people to Christ. - 37
37. Right Motivation
In this session Steve Lake invited you to look at one of the most favorite passages of Scripture 1 Corinthians 13, in an expository way. 1 Corinthians 13 is a chapter about love which is often read at weddings. What love has to do with spiritual gifts? Love must be your motivation for serving others by taking your gift and having the Holy Spirit work through you and empower you to touch other lives. Verse by verse study of the chapter with help to understand 1 Corinthians 13 in its context and have a clear picture of what love is and isn't. Practical guidelines will be very useful for those who want to use their spiritual gifts with the right motivation. - 38
38. Tongues and Prophecy
In this session Steve Lake invites you to look at 1 Corinthians 14:1-25 and focus on prophecy and tongues. The teacher will help you unpack some important truths about cautions Paul gives about using the gifts of tongues and prophecy. What is more beneficial, prophesy or tongues? What are three main points in 1 Corinthians 14? What is the most important point Paul makes in this chapter? Watch this lecture and find out. - 39
39. Orderly Worship
In this session Steve Lake invites you to look at 1 Corinthians 14:26-40 and learn what Paul has to say about orderly worship. What guidelines does Paul lay out for the Corinthian church to follow? Why is Paul so adamant about women's participation in the church? How can Paul's teaching be applied today? Watch this lecture and find out. - 40
40. Clarifying Similar Gifts
In this session Steve Lake doesn't go to any particular Bible passage about spiritual gifts. Instead he explains some of the differences between gifts which are often confusing for people because they sound very much the same. He tries to provide some clarity on how similar gifts are distinct from one another. - 41
41. Possible Spiritual Gifts
Craftsmanship, celibacy, creative communication, martyrdom, missionary and voluntary poverty are noble and worthwhile activities. Some people suggest that they are spiritual gifts too. In this session Steve Lake talks about six possible spiritual gifts, explains what these gifts are and why he doesn't think that they should be included in the list of spiritual gifts. What criteria should be used to know which gift is spiritual and which is not? Watch this lecture to find out. - 42
42. Ephesians 4:1-16. Overview
Ephesians 4:1-16 is one of the key passages on spiritual gifts. In this session Steve Lake gives an overview of the whole passage and helps to understand what it means in the sense of calling to service. There are three main points that the teacher dwells on and encourages us to follow Paul's exhortation to live the life worthy of our calling, to remember that Christ gave us gifts that we might serve one another and to use our gifts to benefit the body. - 43
43. Ephesians 4:11-13. Equipping Gifts
There are five gifts that we call the equipping gifts. They are given to people who function as co-captains in the church. So who are these people? In this session Steve Lake uses the analogy of a soccer team to show that every person in the church has a role and a responsibility. Why did God choose these five gifts? Watch this lecture to find out. - 44
44. Ephesians 4:14-16. The Body in Action
For the health of the church and its well-being we need to use our spiritual gifts. How can the local church be as effective as possible? How should a Body of Christ look like when it is in action? Steve Lake presents three points related to three verses in Ephesians 4: 1. Know what you believe. 2. Know how to communicate. 3. Know where to serve. - 45
45. What is Your Spiritual Gift? Part 1
Now when you have enough information about spiritual gifts, it is time to apply that knowledge and identify the spiritual gift you might have. In this session Steve Lake looks at James 1:22-25 and asks you to do an exercise and to list different positions you have had in a church. Then you should look at these positions and put a check mark next to the ones where you felt energized by the activity, where you were effective and where you felt God was at work. - 46
46. What is Your Spiritual Gift? Part 2
In this session Steve Lake is going to briefly review each of the twenty-one spiritual gifts so that you could match them with the ministry position you had in the church and could identify spiritual gifts associated with your most enjoyable and effective positions. The teacher reviews the spiritual gifts in association with the body. So listen to the teacher's reasoning and guidance and follow the process of discovering your gift. - 47
47. What is Your Spiritual Gift? Part 3
In this session Steve Lake is going to bring ministry experience into the classroom. He invites you to take part in the activity when you listen to a pretend situation about the roles of small group participants and decide whether it is something you think you would contribute to a small group. Prepare a sheet of paper, try to put yourself in an imaginary situation and write answers to twenty-one questions. Hopefully, you will be able to identify your spiritual gift. - 48
48. Whom Should You Serve?
It is not enough to know your spiritual gift; you should use it everywhere you go. There is a group that God has embedded in your heart and you love to be with that group and you want to make a difference in their lives. It may be a group of people or an issue in your society. In this session Steve Lake is going to show you a diagram which will help you understand whom you should serve. - 49
49. Where Should You Serve?
You won't know which ministry to serve in, just by knowing your spiritual gift. Your target audience points the way where you should serve. In this session Steve Lake is going to take you through an exercise. Listen to the names of some likely ministries in churches and try to identify where you should serve. - 50
50. Implementing Gifts in a Local Church
In the final session in the series on spiritual gifts Steve Lake presents a model of how we organize our church around spiritual gifts and especially around the equipping gifts. The teacher focuses on Ephesians 4:11 and talks his way through a diagram which will show a different model for arranging churches which will help the church to be more biblical and more effective. Watch this lecture to find out if you can incorporate this model within the existing structure or implement this model to a new church plant.