ThM Dallas Theological Seminary
In this course you will be studying encounters of different people with Christ as they are described in the Bible. You will get to know Jesus deeper and you will also have insights about who you are and what you should do with your life. Ronnie Stevens highlights important biblical truths and principles, shares his pastoral wisdom and helps to explore the Word of God to become true followers and disciples of Jesus.
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1. Introduction
How is it to our advantage that Jesus Christ had to ascend after His resurrection? Are we more blessed than the people who had the advantage of seeing Jesus and listening to Him? In this session Ronnie Stevens: talks about the ministry of the Holy Spirit and our dependence on Him; explains why it was better for Jesus to leave; highlights the difficulties we have when we encounter Jesus; encourages us to teach others what it means to be a disciple." - 2
2. The Encounter of Jesus with Mary and Joseph. Simeon and the Child Jesus
We need one another to learn about Jesus what we couldn't learn about Him ourselves. In Luke 2 Simeon meets Jesus in the temple and tells amazing things about Him to His parents. In this session the teacher: talks about Simeon's prophecy and the encounter of Mary and Joseph with the baby Jesus; explains the importance of the cross; gives the examples of people who understood the idea of suffering on the road of following Christ; shares a quote about the childhood of Jesus." - 3
3. The Encounter of Jesus with Mary and Joseph. Jesus in His Father's House
In Luke 2 Mary and Joseph find Jesus in the temple teaching scholars after the Passover. Jesus asks and answers questions to the amazement of His listeners. In this session Ronnie Stevens: highlights that Jesus asks questions not to learn but to teach; gives reasons why Christ is unique; briefly explains the doctrine of incarnation; tells a story about John McArthur." - 4
4. The Encounter of Jesus with John the Baptist. Baptism of Jesus
In Mathew 3 Jesus begins His ministry and presents himself to John to be baptized by him. In this session Ronnie Stevens: talks about John's encounter with Jesus in his mother's womb; describes an important event of the baptism of Jesus Christ; dwells on the topic of hypocrisy; explains why John wanted to stop Jesus from being baptized; compares baptism to death; briefly explains the doctrine of Trinity." - 5
5. The Encounter of Jesus with John the Baptist. Doubts of John in Prison
In Mathew 11 we find John in prison. His suffering is so great that he has doubts even though he has heard God speak from heaven. What can we learn from that account? In this session Ronnie Stevens: speculates about John's expectations; explains what Jesus means in verse 11 when he speaks about John the Baptist; talks about two fantastic experiences we will have in heaven." - 6
6. The Temptation of Jesus by the Devil
Jesus is baptized in Mathew 3 and he is tempted by the devil in chapter 4. How can we profit from the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness? In this session the teacher investigates an unusual encounter of Jesus and: talks about the authority of Scripture and the importance of fellowship; shares his position on whether Jesus could sin; explains the devil’s tactics in tempting Jesus; encourages us to be ready to resist the opposition." - 7
7. Encountering Jesus in His Teaching
How do we encounter Jesus in His teaching? How does the Sermon on the Mount represent who Jesus is? In this session Ronnie Stevens: highlights the counterintuitive nature of what Jesus says and does; quotes John Stott's words about the Sermon on the Mount; talks about the messianic expectations of Jews; explains the first goal of an evangelist." - 8
8. The Disciples Encounter Jesus. Logos. The Lamb of God
In the beginning of John 1 Jesus is introduced as Logos, the Word of God, the explanation of God and the meaning of God. In the second half of John 1 Jesus is presented as the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world. In this session Ronnie Stevens: explains how Jesus answers the needs of the Jews and the Greeks; talks about Isaac and his question in Genesis 22; explores the theme of receiving a new name; shares three orientations to discipleship." - 9
9. The Disciples Encounter Jesus. Nathanael's Faith
How does Jesus work faith in Nathanael's heart? What verbs constitute the disciples' motto? In this session the teacher explores Nathanael's encounter with Jesus and: talks about regional prejudices; highlights the miracle of reading one's mind; unpacks John 1:50 and emphasizes three key verbs; uses an illustration about flying in the dark to show how the Bible can help us see in the darkness; explains the connection between Nathanael and Jacob's ladder. - 10
10. The Disciples Encounter Jesus. First Followers of Christ
In Luke 5 we come to the Sea of Galilee where so many lessons are taught by Jesus. Why do Peter and others leave the business of fishing and begin to follow Jesus? In this session Ronnie Stevens: explains the difference between teaching and training; explores the account of Peter and other fishermen obeying the words of Jesus; talks about two categories of God's attributes and His vision for us. - 11
11. The Encounter of Jesus with Mary at the Wedding Feast
Sometimes we read what Jesus says and it doesn’t seem to be connected to the context. It's because He knows people's thoughts and responds to them. In this session the teacher: explores the famous encounter of Mary with Jesus at the wedding feast; shares the best advice in the history of the world; talks about prayer and miracles; encourages us to follow the model of Mary and obey God in the time He disappoints us. - 12
12. The Encounter of Jesus with His Neighbors
When Jesus comes to Nazareth, He begins to teach in the synagogue. At first people like Him, then they try to kill Him. In this session Ronnie Stevens talks about the encounter Jesus has with his neighbors and: explains the difference between patriotism and nationalism; unpacks Luke 4 and explains why all people in the synagogue are filled with wrath; highlights a great lesson we can learn about God. - 13
13. The Encounter of Jesus with Nicodemus
In John 3 we read one of the most famous encounters with Jesus in the New Testament. Why is the narrative about Nicodemus so important? In this session Ronnie Stevens: talks about the interview Jesus has with Nicodemus; explores key passages about new birth, baptism and salvation; explains the reasons that divide denominations. - 14
14. How Can a Man Be Born Again?
When Nicodemus stops talking, Jesus goes on. He explains how a person has to be born again before he becomes a candidate to see the Kingdom of God. In this session the teacher: briefly explains the doctrine of regeneration; emphasizes how counterintuitive God is when he tells people to look at the serpent in Numbers 21 and when He sends His Son to die for sinners; talks about life and death. - 15
15. The Encounter of Jesus with The Woman at the Well. Introduction
In John 4 Jesus has an interview with the woman of Samaria. This encounter is important for a number of reasons. In this session the teacher: talks about the model for evangelism; provides the historical background to explain the relationship between Samaritans and Jews; encourages believers to treat unbelievers as human beings who have something to offer; emphasizes the apologetic value of this encounter. - 16
16. The Encounter of Jesus with The Woman at the Well. Living Water
In John 4:10 Jesus begins to speak about living water to the woman at the well. What is her response? Why does she respond in such a way? In this session Ronnie Stevens: highlights the water motive in the Gospel of John; compares doing evangelism with teaching a new language; talks about C.S. Lewis and the importance of asking the right question; gives an example of how Jesus is greater than Jacob. - 17
17. Marks of True Worship
We continue our discussion of the ways Jesus shocks the woman at the well. She can see that He is a prophet, and she asks a theological question. In this session the teacher: talks about two parts of Christian life; explains why the woman wants to talk about religious controversies; unpacks the answer Jesus gives about worship. - 18
18. Marks of True Conversion
We come to the place in John 4 where Jesus has revealed to the Samaritan woman who He is. In a very short time He teaches her who she is and who God is. In this session Ronnie Stevens: talks about an effective evangelistic presentation; explains the goal of evangelism; highlights three marks of true conversion; shares an important principle about harvest. - 19
19. The Encounter of Jesus with the Centurion
In Mathew 8 we read about the encounter of a gentile, a professional officer of the Roman army, with Jesus. In this session Ronnie Stevens: highlights what amazes Jesus in the centurion; discusses the issue about the fate of unbelievers who didn't hear the gospel; explores key biblical passages; shares an interesting illustration about the power of the Sun." - 20
20. The Encounter of Jesus with a Canaanite Woman. Great is Your Faith!
In Mathew 15 Jesus happens to be in the district of Tyre and Sidon. There a Canaanite woman, a mother of a demon possessed girl, comes to beg Jesus for mercy. How does Jesus respond to her plea? In this session Ronnie Stevens: emphasizes Mathew's purpose in recording the genealogy of Jesus; takes a moment to comment on terrible sufferings of people in the world; briefly talks about the doctrine of election." - 21
21. The Encounter of Jesus with a Canaanite Woman. The Miracle of Healing
Miracles of Jesus are not a random act of power. Miracles back up His claims, teach lessons, illustrate truths and tell stories. What is Jesus teaching us through the miracle in Mathew 15 In this session Ronnie Stevens: explains the meaning of the word 'dog' in Mathew 15; encourages the students to proclaim the message in the midst of suffering; talks about the way our faith grows; shares interesting examples and illustrations about faith and suffering." - 22
22. Two Encounters and Two Miracles
In Mathew 9 we meet a ruler who asks Jesus to bring back to life his dead daughter and a woman who has suffered from a discharge of blood for twelve years. What can we learn about faith and God's priorities from these encounters with Jesus? In this session the teacher: explains the differences between chronic and acute diseases; talks about two kinds of faith; pays attention to the situations where people try to teach Jesus what death is." - 23
23. Peter's Encounter with Jesus in Mattew 16
What can we learn from the most famous encounter of Peter with Jesus in Mathew 16? In this session Ronnie Stevens: highlights two incredible things about Simon Peter; argues that Judah is a false disciple; addresses the controversy about apostolic succession; encourages students to tell the truth about Christ and the work of Christ." - 24
24. A Lesson About Worship
In Luke 7 Jesus is eating in the house of one of the Pharisees. A sinful woman comes to the house and anoints His feet. Jesus is full of grace and mercy while the Pharisees are not. In this session the teacher: emphasizes the fact that Jesus blessed a lot of women in His ministry; shares one of the most perfect models of worship in the New Testament; unpacks the parable Jesus tells to teach the Pharisees a lesson." - 25
25. The Encounter of Jesus with the Young Rich Ruler
In Mathew 19 Jesus has an encounter with a rich young ruler. They talk about the way to obtain eternal life. In this session Ronnie Stevens: shares three shocking or counterintuitive things Jesus says in this story; talks about the way we teach people to do evangelism and compares it to the way Jesus does evangelism; encourages students to give up what they don't want to give up to be true disciples of Jesus." - 26
26. The Encounter of Jesus with Zacchaeus
In Luke 19 Jesus honors a dishonorable person, a tax collector in Jericho. He reminds us of who we are and what we are supposed to do. In this session the teacher: provides a historical background that helps to understand the account of Zacchaeus; explores the truths about Jesus and Zacchaeus; explains why people needed law; uses interesting examples to illustrate the main points." - 27
27. The Encounter of Jesus with Martha and Mary. In the House of Mourning
In John 11 we read about the crisis in the family of the best friends of Jesus. He comes to the house of Martha and Mary, the house of mourning and devastation. In this session Ronnie Stevens: discusses one of the greatest accusations against God; talks about a book written by C.S. Lewis; explains why knowing Greek is critical for this account; explores the topic of death in more detail." - 28
28. The Encounter of Jesus with Martha and Mary. The Miracle of Raising Lazarus
Jesus looks at the scene of death and He is very sad. In this encounter with Jesus Martha and Mary are going to learn more about His ministry. In this session the teacher: talks about the emotions of Jesus in John 11 and explains why He wept; unpacks the account of a miracle in which Jesus brings Lazarus of Bethany back to life four days after his burial; encourages students to do the ministry Christ gave them." - 29
29. The Encounter of Jesus with Mary Magdalene
The heart of Christianity is the Cross but in this last session Ronnie Stevens looks at the time after the resurrection of Jesus in John 20. This chapter has a tremendous apologetic value when we talk to people who do not believe that Jesus raised from the dead. Ronnie Stevens explores the encounter of Mary Magdalene with Jesus at the tomb and shares his answer to the question: Why didn't Mary recognize Jesus after His resurrection?