- Church Planting (Craig Ott) PT513
- Cross-cultural communication (Duane Elmer) PT512
- Fallen, Broken, Restored (Dennis Kizziar) PT224
- For God's Sake, Rest! (James L. Anderson) SM020
- Genesis (Ronnie Collier Stevens) BS205
- Introduction to Pastoral Care and Counseling (Lee Eclov)PT518
- Islam (David Shenk) A206
- Our Amazing Universe (Ellsworth Gerrels) SM011
- Real Churches (Richard Thompson) PT515
- Religious Studies (David Shenk) A504
- Seven Encounters (Ronnie Collier Stevens) SM022
- Spiritual Gifts (Steve Lake) PT211
- The Book of Acts (Ronnie Collier Stevens) BS232
- The Epistle to Timothy (Bruce Dick) BS239
- Untroubled Heart (Dennis Kizziar) PT223