David Shenk
David W.Shenk was born and raised in a Christian missionary home in Tanzania. His parents were pioneer Mennonite missionaries. Christ called him as a child and after his conversion he knew Christ was also calling him to be him ambassador among the unreached people. At 15 years of age moved to the USA for high school and university study. He met Grace , who later became his wife. in high school. They both knew that God was calling them to serve among those who had not heard the Gospel. For ten years he was involved in educational work in Islamic Somalia and then lectured in comparative religion and church history at Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya for six years. He served as academic dean and professor of theology at Lithuanian Christian College in Lithuania from 1998-2002.
Since 1980, Shenk had been based at Eastern Mennonite Missions headquarters in Saluga, Pennsylvania, where he helps to coordinate interfaith commitments. He is the author of many books, including A Muslim and a Christian in Dialogue, Global Gods, and Surprises of the Christian Way.
David and Grace have been blessed with 4 children and 7 grandchildren.