ThM Dallas Theologikal Seminary
You are going to begin the study of the Book of Acts of the Apostles. Someone said that we should call it the Book of the Acts of the Holy Spirit. It is the account of what God continued to do through the Holy Spirit after Jesus assended to be with the Father in Chapter 1.The Book of Acts is about the discipling of the nations. By the time you finish this course you ought to be able to think your way through the book of Acts and your teacher Ronnie Stevens will help you to achieve that goal.
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1. Lecture 1. Acts as the history record (Acts 1:1-6)
In this introductory study Ronnie Stevens wants to share with you five leading themes or features of the Book of Acts. In the middle of these themes the teacher is talking about Luke, the author of Acts. First thing you need to understand is that Acts is the recording of history. The teacher also explains the difference between a disciple and an apostle as we see how disciples of Jesus become the Apostles. Ronnie Stevens stresses the importance of one person for sharing the gospel or starting discipleship. He also talks about apologetics and the power of the Holy Spirit. - 2
2. Is there future of Kingdom of Israel? (Acts 1:6-8)
In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about a very important question in terms of a great controversy which divides evangelicals.It is the question about the future we can expect for national Israel. What exactly the spiritual Israel will be constituded from? The majority of schorlaly Christians believe that the nation of Israel has absolutely no future in God's plan. The minority of evangelicals believe that the promises given to Israel were unconditional and will be kept in the literal way in the future. They expect a future conversion of Israel. In this lecture the teacher shares the arguments on both sides of the issue. - 3
3. You will be my witnesses (Acts 1:8)
Every Christian is a witness who belongs to Christ. To be a good witness we need to speak of the One who died, the Lord Jesus Christ. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about the great promise which starts with a few men and extends through the whole earth. The power which is promised is a spiritual power. To be witnesses we need to follow Jesus, and He will make us fishers of men, but we will be resisted in that commitment to be Christ's witnesses. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens also shows few verses to demonstrate the attitude of Jews to the Gentiles. It will help to understand their mindset. - 4
4. The authority for witnessing (Acts 1:8)
How does Christ know that we'll be His witnesses? Where does He get the authority to command us to be his witnesses? In this lecture Ronnie Stevens uses Scripture to show that Jesus can see everything because He is the Son of God. Jesus has the authority to tell us to be His witnesses, so we have the responsibility to aim all our lives toward that, because we are owned by Him. Our choice is not between going or staying, it is between going or sending. - 5
5. Ascension of Christ and Replacement of Judah (Acts 1:9-26)
In Acts 1:9 we see the ascension of Christ. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens shares some reasons why the ascension was necessary. Jesus died, He rose from death, but He didn't disappear. He ascended to Heaven to prove His spiritual authority and to give us the pattern for His future return. The teacher gives an outline of Acts like this: Jesus goes up, the Holy Spirit comes down, and the Church goes out. In this lecture you will also learn about the way Judah was replaced and find the answer to the question whether we can make decisions by drawing lots. - 6
6. Pentecost. The Gift of Tongues (Acts 2:1-13)
Many things happened in the day of Pentecost. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens wants to emphasize that on the day of Pentecost people spoke known languages after receiving the gift of tongues from the Holy Spirit. In some way it was the undoing of the curse at the Tower of Babel, where languages were confused. But on the day of Pentecost it was a blessing and people were allowed to communicate in mother tongues of people who were listening to the message. Peter becomes the main spokesman for Christianity. Ronnie Stevens speaks about forgiveness, grace and mercy. God gave Peter another chance and the Holy Spirit made him a bold witness of Christ. - 7
7. Pentecost. The Sermon of Peter (Acts 2:14-38)
The sermon preached on the day of Pentecost is to the Jews and for the Jews. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens look at the sermon of Peter who said that the Jews were guilty. They nailed Jesus to the cross, but it was God's predertemined plan. The teacher talks about the doctrine of God's sovereignity and the doctrine of human responsibility. These two doctrines are not enemies, they are friends. Peter goes to Scripture to explain many things to his listeners and Ronnie Stevens explains the words of Peter. - 8
8. Repentance on the day of Pentecost (Acts 2:37-41)
In Acts 2 we have a great sermon on the day of Pentecost, where 3 thousand people repented. Could there be people like Judah? In this lecture Ronnie Stevens draws our attention to the marks of true repentance. The teacher also wants to show the difference between remorse and repentance with the help of illustrations. Ronnie Stevens speaks about the importance of baptism. He thinks that there are no optional commandments in the Scriptures. The second half of this lecture is devoted to the practices of the early church. - 9
9. Life of the Early Church (Acts 2: 42-47)
Acts 2:42 is the central verse in Ecclesiology. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens shows the difference between the command and the pattern. A pattern is not as forceful as a command. Should the churches imitate the four things written in Acts 2: 42 or not? The teacher continues to talk about the life of the early church and dwells on the communion and prayer. Different Christians debate on the meaning of the Lord's supper. We don't know why it is so important but it is important. Baptism is the picture of something spiritual that happens once, the Lord's supper is something that happens over and over again. - 10
10. Healing the Lame Man (Acts 3:1-26)
In this lecture you are going to study one narration from Acts 3. It is the story about Peter and John healing the lame man near the temple. That must have been something amazing to see in Jerusalem. Ronnie Stevens thinks that the healing of that man could be a tremendous positive publicity for the gospel and would bring glory to Christ if he was healed in Christ's name. How do we get power? By renouncing any other power including financial power. The Apostles had no money but they had the power to heal. - 11
11. Peter and John Arrested (Acts 4)
The fourth chapter begins with great disturbance because those who killed Jesus realized that the followers of Jesus were still leading people to faith. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens tells the story about Peter and John being put in jail. The Gospel is attacked and opposed. The Gospel is punished.But the Gospel advances and grows.How do we defend the truth claims of Christianity? Is there any evidence, is there any argument we can offer? In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about apologetics and how Peter used apologetics by quoting a famous verse from the Old Testament. There are two great offences connected to Christianity. We need to understand what they are and need to be prepared for the consequences that these offences cause.Ronnie Stevens encourages us not to take the offense away and explains the powerful evangelistic verse. - 12
12. Overview of Acts 3-4
In this lecture the teacher wants to circle back to the miracle of Acts 3 and come forward again.He wants to show what was going on there and how it all ties in. What was the power of healing? What was the significance of the name? Ronnie Stevens talks about uneducated and untrained people who made the difference in the world because they had the opportunity to spend time with Jesus. - 13
13. Overview of Acts 1-4
You studied the Acts 1-2 in more detail and you looked at Acts 3-4 more quickly. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens gives an overwiew of the first four chapters, reviews key verses and main ideas of each chapter. He reminds us of the questions that people usually ask and gives answers to them again. This lecture will help you to recycle and reinforce what you have learnt so far. - 14
14. Judgement upon Ananias and Sapphira (Acts 5: 1-11)
Three great things happen in Acts 5. And the first thing is a very hard thing. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about one of the well-known stories in the Book of Acts which is one of the hardest to understand. The judgement upon Ananias and Sapphira is also hard to explain and to accept. It is so easy for us to judge God, but why shouldn't He judge sinners? We see how the chuch was tested from within. - 15
15. The ministry of the Apostles (Acts 5: 12-42)
The second great thing that happens are the signs and wonders which the Apostles work and what happens when they are persecuted. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about the the experience of the Apostles who had dramatic and powerful ministry and got a lot of converts. We will never know God as a Deliverer unless we have some difficulties and dangers. But God doesn't always deliver us. A time would come when Peter wouldn't be delivered, but in this occasion the Angel came to take him out of the prison. The teacher also talks about the great principle found in Acts 5:29. - 16
16. Selection of the seven and the arest of Stephen (Acts 6)
There is one great thing which happens in Acts 6. It is something that is full of lessons. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about the discent within the church. There was a fight among women and it developed along racial lines. The Apostles met the challenge and gave authority and responsibilities to seven deacons. - 17
17. Stephen's sermon (Acts 7)
Acts 7 is a very important chapter because it contains the summary of Israel's history with references to accusations which were brought against Christianity. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about Stephen's sermon which is not an easy one to organize and see what Stephen was doing. The teacher divides the sermon into 4 parts. The Jewish leaders claimed that God blessed people and manifested His presence through the temple. Stephen showed them that it was not true. - 18
18. Spreading the Seed (Acts 8)
Chapter 8 is important because we see transition from Jerusalem and Judea to Samaria. In Acts 8 we see the name of the man who will become dominant in church history.In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about persecution in Jerusalem, ignited by the murder of Stephen. God uses it to spread the church and preach the Word. The teacher will also talk about the ministry of deacon Philip and Apostles who went to Samaria. One of the mightiest proofs that the gospel is real is when racial and ethnic prejudice is broken down.When we study Acts 8 we learn a lot about evangelism and draw a lot of lessons. - 19
19. The Conversion of Saul (Acts 9)
In Acts 9 we don't see human methodology which leads to the conversion of Saul.God does it by Himself. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens looks at the account of conversion of a great persecutor. He points out the marks of true repentance, radical difference and real conversion in Paul's life. In Acts 9 we read about Peter's healing ministry. He healed Aeneas and raised Tabitha from the dead. We believe that Peter did that. But what are we supposed to do? In this lecture Ronnie Stevens tells us that God doesn't arrange life and death according to what we think would be best. Many of us can't heal the sick and raise people from the dead. The teacher looks at the words of Peter and discovers that he told Aeneas what Christ had done for him. We can also do that. Even though we can't perform miracles we shouldn't fail to pray to God to do things that only He can do. - 20
20. Cornelius is Called to See Peter (Acts 10:1-6)
In chapter 10 you encount a gentile called Cornelius.He is given a vision to go and find Peter. One of the strongest things in the world is racial prejudice. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens shows the distinction between patriotism and nationalism. He helps us to understand the mindset of the 1st century to have a clear idea of the way Jews treated Gentiles. You will also learn about the position of Peter, his role and authority. - 21
21. Peter Meets Cornelius (Acts 10:7 -11:30)
In this lecture you countinue to study Act 10. It is the chapter of transition from the Samaritans to the Gentiles receiving the Gospel.It is time to look at the second vision connected with Peter. Ronnie Stevens shows how step by step God is opening Peter's heart and arms to welcome the Gentiles. He also recalls how God has been blessing Gentiles in history. Acts 11 also teaches about the emergence of the model church in Antioch. - 22
22. Peter's Arrest and Deliverance (Acts 12)
In Acts 12 the early church learns about the death of James. Peter is arrested and put into prison. God chose to bring James to heaven, but to deliver Peter from the prison. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about the church which was shocked by the death of James and prayed fervently for Peter. God doesn't always give deliverance from suffering and good people die because of bad people. At the end of chapter 12 the death of a wicked man is described. - 23
23. Beginning of the Mission to the Gentiles (Acts 13)
The focus of revelation is shifting from the Jewish mission to the Gentile Mission. Acts 13 begins with a concentrated study of the model church. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about the leaders of the church in Antioch and the importance of diversity. You will learn in what way the church in Antioch was a model. - 24
24. Continuation of the First Missionary Journey (Acts 14)
Chapter 14 continues to describe the first missionary journey after John Mark has dropped out. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about all kinds of divisions in the world. But only one division will last: those who believe the apostles' teaching and receive the Gospel and those who don't. When the Gospel is preached, divisions emerge. Paul heals a cripple at Lystra and people want to worship Paul and Barnabas as if they were gods and want to bring sacrifice to them. Ronnie Stevens gives the background to explain their behavior. - 25
25. The Council at Jerusalem (Acts 15: 1-35)
Chapter 15 is very important. God is opening a wide door and Gentiles hear the Gospel and become Christians.Now there are Jews and Gentiles in the church. How will these two groups get along if they have different life styles? In this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about the problems the early church had to face and solve. In Acts 15 they have a Council at Jerusalem to make decisions about important questions, to present the opposing arguments, to debate the issue, to hear from all sides and to decide together what should be done. - 26
26. Disagreement between Paul and Barnabas (Acts 15: 36-41)
In this lecture Ronnie Stevens tells us about the disagreement between Paul and Barnabas. It is staggering to think that these two great christian missionaries who were full of the Holy Spirit could have such a sharp disagreement that they could no longer work together. What was the disagreement about? And who was right? What does it mean practically? What does it mean spiritually? - 27
27. The Macedonian Call (Acts 16: 1-13)
For some reason God chose Paul to be the model of the faithful life of a missionary theologian. We hardly hear anything about other disciples, except for Peter, James and John. And Luke focuses on the 2nd missionary journey of Paul and says nothing about the missionary work of Barnabas and Mark. Ronnie Stevens thinks that Acts 16 is the chapter which has the most of spiritual lessons for us. Why is Acts 16 important? It is the story of the second missionary journey of Paul and Silas. It is also the story of the founding the church in Europe. Ronnie Stevens also talks about God's will and God's calling. - 28
28. First Convert in Europe (Acts 16:14-21)
In this lecture Ronnie Stevens continues to talk about Paul's vision and God's calling in general. Acts 16 contains a story about planting the first church in Europe. Why did Paul go to Macedonia? Why did God send him a vision? Maybe it was because of the prayers of people. The teacher also speaks about the role of women and their faithfulness. You will learn about Lydia and the conversion of her entire family. What can we do to cause our whole family to come to faith? - 29
29. Paul and Silas Imprisoned (Acts 16: 22-40)
Paul and Silas set a servant girl free and they lose their own freedom. In this lecture the teacher speaks about the price of redemption. The price of redemption is the loss of freedom for the redeemer. Acts 16 helps us to understand ministry, missions and freedom. Why did Paul stay in prison if he could escape? The answer to that question is the key to ministry and missions. - 30
30. Paul in Thessalonica, Berea and Athens (Acts 17: 1-21)
In Acts 17 the missionaries begin to travel south and come to Thessalonica where Paul preaches Christ. Then Paul goes to Athens. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens looks in detail at one of the most famous sermons in church hustory in the Book of Acts. The teacher explains how hard it is to witness to someone you don't know and to begin the conversation about Jesus. People are going to hell but they don't want to be reminded. In Acts 17:17 we see that Paul talks about Jesus with whoever happens to be in the market place. - 31
31. Sermon on Mars Hill (Acts 17: 22-34)
In this lecture Ronnie Stevens analyses Paul's sermon in Athens. It was addressed to people who didn't know Hebrew theology or Old Testament. So it is very instructive to see how Paul handled the audience like that and what his methodology is. He begins his sermon with a positive compliment and doesn't condemn them. He finds a common ground with them. Some people think that Paul had poor missionary approach in Athens, his sermon was too philosophical and he failed to plant a church. The teacher speaks about these views and arguments. - 32
32. Paul at Corinth (Acts 18)
Paul goes to Corinth, a commercial center and city which has its own pride. Paul meets Priscilla and Aquilla and makes friends with this couple. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens speaks about the importance of having a secular job to support yourself as a missionary. You cannot get to certain countries as a missionary. If you go to these countries with a missionary purpose, you need to be a 'tent maker'. - 33
33. Paul at Ephesus (Acts 19)
In this lecture Ronnie Stevens speaks about the importance of evangelism and discipleship.In Acts 19 we have a situation which creates some debates among Christians about the work of the Holy Spirit and speaking with tongues. Is the baptism of the Holy Spirit always associated with speaking in tongues? What is the teachers understanding of Acts 19? - 34
34. Paul Travels to Mletus (Acts 20)
At the end of chapter 19 Paul leaves Ephesus and goes again to Greece and then to Troas. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens tells the story about the boy who fell asleep during Paul's sermon and fell off the upper level and died. Paul raised him from the dead. Luke also records Paul's charge to the Ephesian elders which is one of the most famous scenes in the Book of Acts. In his farewell speech Paul outlines his pastoral philosophy, his ministry strategy and gives the summary of his work. His plans were comprehensive, he did a lot of big things. Ronnie Stevens tells many stories from his experience. - 35
35. Paul is Seized in the Temple (Acts 21)
In Acts 21 Paul wanted to go to Jerusalem. The Holy Spirit gifted some people and they know what was going to happen. More than one person tried to stop Paul. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens helps us to understand that there is no contradiction in this chapter. Holy Spirit indicated that the great persecution would come to Paul in Jerusalem.People who tried to stop him had a false assumption that it wasn't God's will for him. But it was the time for Paul to face the danger. At the end of this lecture Ronnie Stevens talks about our relationship with a law. - 36
36. Paul's Defense before the Jews and the Council (Acts 22: 1-23:35)
Chapter 22 is taken up by Paul's testimony. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens explains why we have his testimony recorded three times. One of the greatest weapons Christians have is the story of their conversion. The teacher also discusses the question whether baptism saves us. - 37
37. Paul before Felix and Festus (Acts 24: 1-25:27)
Acts 24 and 25 is the story of Paul's trial in front of Felix and Festus. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens speaks about the accusations against Paul. He pays attentions to the speech of the lawyer. Paul begins to make his defence and says that there is no contradiction in following Jesus.The teacher also speaks about five bad things Felix the judge did. When the new ruler arrives Paul makes his case before him. - 38
38. Paul before Agrippa (Acts 26)
In Acts 26 Herod Agrippa comes with his wife to listen to Paul. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens looks at Paul's testimony again as Luke gives a fuller quote of what the Lord said from the sky on the road to Damascus. The teacher also speaks about repentance, sanctification and justification, because this theology is in Paul's testimony. - 39
39. Paul is Sent to Rome (Acts 27:1-28:31)
Acts 27 is the story of Paul's voyage and shipwreck. In this lecture Ronnie Stevens tells an exciting story written by Luke. Without being too allegorical the teacher thinks that Acts 27 is a picture of who the Christian is, what's happening to a Christian and what he(she) is supposed to do. The whole world is like a ship and people of the world are expecting good weather. But they are sailing into a storm. And Christians sail with them. So what should they do?"