Real Churches is specially designed to help those who face difficult situations in the local church. The course taught by Richard Thompson brings together biblical teaching, wisdom gained from personal experience and stories that stir the heart so you can gain fresh insight, inspiration and hope for your church. You will learn about real churches that: – center on Christ; – develop leaders; – coach; – use spiritual gifts; – multiply; – thrive in postmodern world; – innovate; – manage conflict; – treat staff infections; – disarm disputes; – are friends; – develop naturally; – understand leadership gifts; – can turn around; – call empowering elders; – implement vision.
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1. Real Churches Center on Christ. Real Churches Experience the Real Gospel.
What is a real gospel? Why is it important to understand the real message of the gospel? What is a real gospel in one verse or in one word? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Center on Christ' Richard Thompson shares his childhood memories about the idea of the gospel that was taught in his Sunday school and tells a story about God reaching him with the real gos - 2
2. Real Churches Experience the Real Holy Spirit and Jesus.
When we believe in Jesus the Holy Spirit regenerates us, indwells us, anoints us, baptizes us into the body of Christ, gives us the gifts, and seals us. After we trust Christ the Spirit leads us, teaches us, empowers Christian service, produces fruit, gives us wisdom and helps us to pray. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Center on Christ' Richard Thompson: shares his favorite symbol of the Holy Spirit which comes from the Celtic Christians; quotes pastor Mark Batterson and tells about his church; retells a story from the book 'The God Who Hung on the Cross' by Dois I. Rosser Jr. and Ellen Vaughn; explains why there is confusion about who Jesus really is. - 3
3. Real Churches Develop Leaders. The Profile of a Learner.
What is the profile of a disciple? We all need to have a picture in our mind of what it means to be a disciple of Christ. What is the process for making disciples and fulfilling the Great Commission? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Develop Leaders' Richard Thompson: looks at the profile of a learner; explains how to use the wheel illustration as an effective discipleship tool; gives a basic definition of a disciple; shares his personal experience with disciple making; talks about the problem of thrusting spiritual children into leadership. - 4
4. Real Churches Develop Leaders. The Profile of a Laborer.
In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Develop Leaders' Richard Thompson responds to the following questions: What is the profile of a shepherd laborer? What does this person look like? What is the difference between a learner and a laborer? What are his responsibilities? What is the primary process for developing shepherd laborers? - 5
5. Real Churches Develop Leaders. The Profile of a Leader.
What are the differences between laborers and leaders? What is the profile of a servant leader? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Develop Leaders' Richard Thompson: explains the difference between a pastor and a leader; looks at the process of developing leaders; highlights three areas where a leader should exercise control according to 1 Timothy 3. - 6
6. Real Churches Develop Leaders. The Profile of an Elder.
What is the difference between a leader and an elder? What is the process for affirming elders? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Develop Leaders' Richard Thompson looks at the qualities of an elder described in Titus 1 and: explains the meaning of the word 'hospitable' in Greek; quotes John Calvin who wrote that a pastor should have two voices; looks at the process of developing elders. - 7
7. Real Churches Coach. Coaches relate and help to reflect.
Why do we need a person like Barnabas in our lives if we have the Holy Spirit as our coach? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Coach' Richard Thompson talks about the importance of coaching and: explains the true meaning of the word 'encouragement'; identifies the cause of ineffective management; answers the question, 'How can we know when it is the time for a change? - 8
8. Real Churches Coach. Coaches help to refocus, resource and review.
Refocusing is a very important skill and there are times when we need someone to come along us and help us to see the next step without dictating it. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Coach' Richard Thompson invites us to explore Acts 11 and discover how Barnabas helped the church to refocus on the most important thing, their faithfulness to the Lord. You will also learn about resourcing and reviewing in the process of coaching. - 9
9. Real Churches Use Spiritual Gifts. Introduction. Prophesy.Serving.
The Book of Romans sets down the foundational truths of Christianity and the knowledge about spiritual gifts which were important to the church. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Use Spiritual Gifts' Richard Thompson invites us to explore Romans 12 and: explains the uniqueness of this list of gifts; talks about Paul as the example of a prophet and Stephanas as the example of a servant; retells a story about the keeper of a spring. - 10
10. Real Churches Use Spiritual Gifts. Teaching. Encouragement. Giving. Leadership. Mercy.
In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Use Spiritual Gifts' Richard Thompson continues to look at spiritual gifts through the eyes of Luke, Matthew, Barnabas, Peter and John. Can you identify the inner drive that God gave each of them? The teacher will also discuss the following questions: What the Bible study should look like? What do people with the gift of giving do? What is the meaning of the verb 'to lead' in Greek? Why does Mathew talk a lot about money? Which disciple of Jesus had the gift of mercy? - 11
11. Real Churches Multiply. DNA of Multiplication. D = Death.
There is a DNA of multiplication and it begins with death. What does it mean to modern ministers? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Multiply' Richard Thompson: explains the reasons why churches stay small; highlights a great spiritual principle from John 12:24; quotes John Piper's principle based on death and resurrection of Christ. - 12
12. Real Churches Multiply. DNA of Multiplication. N = New Wineskins.
What are the new wineskins and old wineskins? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Multiply' Richard Thompson continues to talk about DNA of multiplication and: explores the parable Jesus told in Luke 5:35-39; explains the meaning of the word 'catalyst'; shares ideas from the book “The Starfish and the Spider: The Unstoppable Power of Leaderless Organizations” by Ori Brafman; contrasts a CEO and a catalyst. - 13
13. Real Churches Multiply. DNA of Multiplication. A= Apprentice.
If the church doesn't apprentice it is going to slow everything down in terms of multiplication. What questions should we ask so that the ministry could go on? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Multiply' Richard Thompson continues to talk about DNA of multiplication and: answers the question 'What is the joy of multiplication?'; emphasizes the importance of apprenticeship in Chicago Community Christian Church; shares a story about a dying church. - 14
14. Real Churches Thrive in Postmodern World
We live in postmodern culture. What principles should the church understand to be effective in a postmodern world? In this lecture Richard Thompson: compares the term 'postmodern' with a slippery beast in murky water; looks at some of the characteristics of modern and postmodern world; answers a question, 'How can a church thrive in a modern and postmodern world if it follows Christ?'; shares the best description of postmodern culture from the book 'Postmodern Pilgrims' by Leonard Sweet; - 15
15. Real Churches Innovate. Six Innovations. Part 1.
In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Innovate' Richard Thompson: reads Matthew 18:1-5 and talks about an innovation based on the fact that God cares for children; explains a new trend when a connection to the church changes and people are not expected to believe before they belong; shares the motto of a church in Michigan; talks about innovation called 'from one person to a team'. - 16
16. Real Churches Innovate. Six Innovations. Part 2.
In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Innovate' Richard Thompson: explains the idea of an incarnational church, where Sunday is not the only important day; shares a story that Rick Warren tells in his book 'Viral Churches'; points out that good preaching is not about giving good advice; talks about Tim Keller and his preaching ministry. - 17
17. Real Churches Manage Confilct. Conflict Styles: a Turtle and a Shark.
In Luke 22: 47-71 we can see that Jesus used different styles of conflict management. There are times when it is better to avoid the conflict like the turtle and there are times when it is necessary to confront the conflict like the shark. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Manage Conflict' Richard Thompson: shares his personal experience and wisdom from the Book of Proverbs; emphasizes the dangers in the tactics of the turtle; talks about the drawbacks of always being the shark. - 18
18. Real Churches Manage Confilct. Conflict Styles: a Teddy Bear, a Fox and an Owl.
In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Manage Conflict' Richard Thompson: quotes what Augustine wrote in his commentary on Matthew about Jesus inviting us to take his yoke; specifies when it is the time to be shrewd in a conflict like the fox and when it is better to act like the teddy bear; uses different examples to illustrate conflict styles; identifies the reason why some teams fail. - 19
19. Real Churches Treat Staff Infections. The Nature of the Staff Infections.
What happens when a staph infection comes on the staff of the church? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Treat Staff Infections' Richard Thompson: reads the confession of a basketball player about the pain staph infection causes; explains the natural flow of the formation of a team; talks about the things that can weaken the church; quotes the words of C.S. Lewis about the vice of pride. - 20
20. Real Churches Treat Staff Infections. How to Handle a wolf.
What can we do with a staff infection? How do we handle a wolf in the body of Christ? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Treat Staff Infections' Richard Thompson: highlights a verse with the direction to use when you are dealing with a wolf; explains the meaning of the word 'heretic'; shares a personal experience of using Titus 3:10; gives a warning not to see a wolf behind every bush. - 21
21. Real Churches Disarm Disputes. Absolute Truths and Disputable Matters.
Some churches cannot turn from absolute truths of ethics and morality to disputable matters. They think that everything should be black and white, right or wrong. They do not allow for a healthy debate or dialogue. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Disarm Disputes' Richard Thompson: looks at some of the areas of dispute; reads Romans 14 and highlights two areas of debate; talks about Augustine and his conversion; recalls the essential biblical truths that we all accept. - 22
22. Real Churches Disarm Disputes. Romans 14: Three Directives.
Apostle Paul gives three valuable directives in Romans 14. Instead of shunning people who disagree we should accept them and avoid being a stumbling block. But it is also important to have a personal conviction. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Disarm Disputes' Richard Thompson: talks about his brother and debates they had after they became Christians; shares his personal conviction about drinking alcoholic beverages; tells a story of a devout Christian who was concerned about drunkenness of Irish society; reads a statement from a book about Abraham Lincoln; quotes John Chrysostom. - 23
23. Real churches are Friends. The Key to Understanding John 21.
Peter and company returned home to Galilee. They were glad to get out of Jerusalem! Some have criticized the disciples for this move 'away from ministry'. But, will Jesus rebuke them? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches are Friends' Richard Thompson invites us to explore John 21 and find the word is the key to unlocking the meaning of the story. - 24
24. Real Churches are Friends. Five Facets of Friendship.
What kind of relationship is Jesus looking for us to have with Him and for Christians to have with each other? Jesus comes first as a friend and shows us in his words five facets of the friendship he seeks. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches are Friends' Richard Thompson continues to explore John 21 and: tells about a man from Tajikistan, who met Jesus in prison; explains how to have friendship with God's Son; highlights the time and place Jesus chose to ask tough questions. - 25
25. Eight Essentials of Natural Church Development. Part 1.
When Luke records what God did in Antioch he starts with evangelism and unnamed Christians. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Develop Naturally' Richard Thompson speaks about the first essential of natural church development and : tells us about an eye-clinic that had an interesting banner; explains the mystery of how God works in us and through us in the church of Jesus Christ; talks about Christian Schwarz who led a research study to find the proven principles that globally apply to growing churches; names seven acts of Christian mercy that are ways to meet the needs of people. - 26
26. Essentials of Natural Church Development. Part 2.
In Acts 13 God in his providence sent Barnabas the son of encouragement to help the church move to the stage of loving each other. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Develop Naturally' Richard Thompson: tells one of his favorite stories which pictures loving relationship in a church, the story of D.L.Moody; uses the illustration about a wagon with square wheel to emphasize the importance of gift-oriented ministry; retells one of his favorite fables that describes the opposite of the empowering leadership. - 27
27. Essentials of Natural Church Development. Part 3.
In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Develop Naturally' Richard Thompson: looks at functional structures in a church and traditionalism that kills the church; talks about the importance of changing structures and leaders; uses the illustration of a barrel with eight staves, each representing one of the eight quality characteristics; explains what passionate spirituality is; recites his favorite verse about worship from Psalms; gives examples of holistic small groups. - 28
28. Real Churches Understand Leadership Gifts. Teachers.
In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Understand Leadership Gifts' Richard Thompson: reads Ephesians 4:11-13; tells about his meeting with the leadership of a church plant called the Hamburg Project; explains how Paul started a church in Ephesus; gives examples of a Bible driven church with a Bible driven pathway of making disciples. - 29
29. Real Churches Understand Leadership Gifts. Pastors. Evangelists. Prophets.
In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Understand Leadership Gifts' Richard Thompson: explains what the Greek construction of 'pastor and teacher' communicate; talks about Bill Hybels and the way he began the church; gives an example of a church which uses the truth driven pathway of disciple making; speaks about pastors with a gift of an evangelist and a prophet. - 30
30. Real Churches Understand Leadership Gifts. Apostles.
Christ has given His church the gift of apostles. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Understand Leadership Gifts' Richard Thompson: speaks about three different ways the word 'apostle' is used in the Bible; explains the difference between apostles and Apostles; warns about problems of having one leader instead of a leadership team with different gifts; - 31
31. Real Churches Can Turn Around. Trust and Confidence.
There are three things that need to change for a church to turn around. The first new direction is to rebuild the sense of trust among the leaders of the church. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Can Turn Around' Richard Thompson: reads Luke 4:13-21 where Jesus stood up in a synagogue and read the words of the prophet Isaiah; explains the reason why trust and confidence should be rebuilt; tell us about a church that was dying and then started a new life cycle; looks at the churches that are on plateau and need to turn around; describes what it's going to take for a church to turn around; answers the question, 'What can build the trust?'" - 32
32. Real Churches Can Turn Around. Outward Focus. Welcoming.
In Luke 4:13-21 Jesus talks about taking the good news to the poor because his focus was outward. The church must become not only inwardly focused, taking care of themselves, but begin to be outwardly focused, too. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Can Turn Around' Richard Thompson: tells us about the ministry that is called 'Celebrate recovery'; shares an interesting idea about special focus Sunday services; explains how to welcome and include new people in the church. - 33
33. Real Churches Can Turn Around. Pivot.
For a church to get off the plateau there is a need for a pivot. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Can Turn Around' Richard Thompson: illustrates the meaning of the term 'pivot' in basketball and in a business world; retells the story about Moses to show that the beginning of the change can be a disaster; gives examples of the way churches make a pivot; explains the reason why some churches don't make a pivot. - 34
34. Real Churches Call Empowering Elders. Effective Elder Boards. Part 1.
How church boards can be effective and efficient in what they are called to do? What timeless truths can be found in a prescriptive passage from the Book of Acts? In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Call Empowering Elders' Richard Thompson: tells us how government was structured in America according to a verse from Isaiah; reads Acts 6:1-7 which has a description of the qualifications elders and a picture of them working together; speaks about the importance of prayer and asks a question, 'How does the board of your church guide the ministry of prayer in your church?'; explains how effective elder board should guide the process and empower God's people for effective service; gives examples of policies. - 35
35. Real Churches Call Empowering Elders. Effective Elder Boards. Part 2.
How governing boards can be effective in serving Jesus Christ? Effective elder boards should protect the vision and values of the church, the elder board and the pastor. In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Call Empowering Elders' Richard Thompson: explains the difference between catfish, dragons and wolves; highlights that not every problem in the church is a wolf; quotes Chuck Swindoll who uses a catfish as a metaphor; talks about three kinds of leaders or pastors. - 36
36. Real Churches Implement Vision. Vision and Implementation.
Every year a leader needs metaphorically climb a tree near where his people are and look toward a promised land and ask God, 'What is the next hill we need to climb?' In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Implement Vision' Richard Thompson: explains the meaning of the verb 'to lead' in Latin; names two different gifts that are critical to implementing vision; talks about Joseph as an example of a great administrator and Moses as an example of a leader. - 37
37. Real Churches Implement Vision. Five Phases of Management.
In this section of the lecture 'Real Churches Implement Vision' Richard Thompson: quotes old article where five phases of management are described; explains how to find right people for the right place in the organization; shares Rick Warren's advice on hiring a staff person; highlights the importance of having a plan not just a vision.