MDIV Adjunct professor of counseling ba, Trinity college MDIV
This course is an introduction to the principles, and techniques involved in the pastoral ministry of care and counseling. Pastor Lee Eclov emphasizes basic counseling skills and ability to relate to others, he discusses biblical, theological and ethical concerns in pastoral care ministry and presents an overview of common counseling concerns. During this course you will: – learn to approach ministry counseling issues from a perspective of soul care, in order to help God’s people grow in Christlikeness as they deal with life’s problems and decisions; – begin to develop a personal Biblical framework within which to place your counseling ministry and an awareness of the common counseling situations that you may face, such as depression, grief or family issues; – gain knowledge of the history and place of counseling in pastoral and ministry settings.
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1. The Harassed and Helpless Around You
In Matt.9:36 Jesus had compassion on the crowds of people, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. But what about the people who know the Good Shepherd? How do they feel 'harassed and helpless' in their life and walk with Christ? In this lecture Lee Eclov introduces the course on pastoral care and counseling by sharing the results of the survey conducted in the Village Church Linconshire, north of Chicago. - 2
2. Start by Listening. What is Active Listening?
Active listening is a structured form of listening and responding that focuses the attention on the speaker. The listener must take care to attend to the speaker fully, and then repeats, in the listener’s own words, what he or she thinks the speaker has said. In this section of the lecture 'Start by listening' Lee Eclov emphasizes the importance of active listening in order to help the counselee discover what should be done. - 3
3. Start by Listening. What if I Don't Know What to Say?
Some students are terribly intimidated by the concern that they would not know what to say after listening to the counselee's concerns. In this section of the lecture 'Start by Listening' Lee Eclov shares some useful tips on what else can be done besides telling people what to do. Next time you face a counselee, use these listening tools and strategies. - 4
4. The Place of Scripture
What’s the place of Scripture in pastoral care and counseling? Isn’t the Bible the ultimate advice-giver? Don’t pastors use Scripture to tell people what God wants them to do? In this lecture Lee Eclov talks about the primary purpose of Scripture, explains how the Bible should be used properly and reminds of the transforming power of God's grace. - 5
5. Six Basic Dynamics of Pastoral Counseling
Virtually everything pastoral counselors do relates to one or more of six dynamics of the counseling situation:1) The care and cure of souls. 2) God's help. 3) Listening and guiding the counselee. 4) Biblical transformational principles. 5) Counselee responsibility. 6) Counselor responsibility. In this lecture Lee Eclov gives an overview of six key ideas that will be discussed during this course and also talks about different issues that arise in counseling. - 6
6. What Makes a Good Counselor?
What makes a good counselor? How does your faith enter into pastoral counseling? What should you know about yourself? Lee Eclov answers these questions and introduces Johari Window, four different dynamics that are in play in counseling and pastoring, and shares his experience with counseling. - 7
7. Biblical Theology for Counseling
One of the features of a good counselor is the understanding of biblical teaching about human beings in their relationship with God. In this lecture Lee Eclov turns to Genesis 3 which provides 'biblical psychopathology' and helps to sort through what is being presented to the counselor as he engages with the counselee. Watch this video to learn about three dynamic processes necessary to the transformation in a person's life. - 8
8. The Care & Cure of Souls. Four Traditional Elements of Soul Care. Part 1.
What is soul? How would you define it? In this section of the lecture 'The Care & Cure of Souls' Lee Eclov shares the definitions of John Bunyan, John Ortberg and Eugene Peterson. Watch this video to learn more about four traditional elements of spiritual direction: sustaining, healing, reconciling and guiding. - 9
9. The Care & Cure of Souls. Four Traditional Elements of Soul Care. Part 2.
Whatever is good for the soul will naturally be good medicine for body, mind and emotions. In this section of the lecture 'The Care &Cure of Souls' Lee Eclov continues to talk about people who just want the problem solved and don't focus on their soul. Watch this video to learn several rules or guidelines which will help to understand the workings of the soul. - 10
10. Integration Issues in Christian Counseling. Short History.
With the rise of modern psychology pastors, the only “professional” Christian counselors at the time were confronted with the ideas of these secular ways of describing and treating people’s problems. In this section of the lecture 'Integration Issues in Christian counseling' Lee Eclov tells us about different approaches to psychology and counseling in history. Watch this lecture to learn more about Jay Adam's who absolutely opposed to integration with secular psychology. - 11
11. Integration Issues in Christian Counseling. What Makes Counseling Christian?
Secular psychology had a way of muddling and contradicting biblical claims about human relationships, mental health, and purpose of life. So what makes counseling Christian? In this section of the lecture 'Integration Issues in Christian counseling' Lee Eclov shares a list of characteristics of Christian counseling and answers the question: 'Can Christian counselors benefit from secular psychology?'. - 12
12. Integration Issues in Christian Counseling. Mental Illness in the Church.
Mental illness is not something invented by secular psychiatrists. Rather, it is part and parcel with living in fallen, sinful world. Treating mental illness as purely a spiritual disorder is very hurtful to those who struggle with mental illness because it points them to the wrong solution. In this section of the lecture 'Integration Issues in Christian counseling' Lee Eclov reads an e-mail from a young pastor who had the problems with anxiety and invites you to do the case study. - 13
13. Integration Issues in Christian Counseling. History, Continued.
Since the 1970s Christian psychologists, counselors and pastors tried to clarify what they could properly take from secular psychology and what they could not. Many Christian books began to apply psychology to everyday Christian issues. In this section of the lecture 'Integration Issues in Christian counseling' Lee Eclov talks about the contribution of James Dobson and Larry Crabb to the integrated aproach to Christian counseling. He wraps up this session by quoting his friend and a moderate proponent of 'biblical conseling'. - 14
14. Four Models of Counseling in Pastoral Ministry.
Anyone engaged in pastoral ministry today is faced with various frameworks or philosophies for counseling. In this section of the lecture 'Integration issues in Christian counseling' Lee Eclov uses the article 'Four Models of Counseling in Pastoral Ministry' written by Dr. Timothy Keller to identify four main spheres of counseling: 1) Levels of explanation model. 2) Integration model. 3) Christian psychology model. 4) Biblical counseling model. - 15
15. Integration Issues in Christian Counseling. Reflections on the Differences in Models.
In his article 'Four Models of Counseling in Pastoral Ministry' Dr. Timothy Keller described four different ways Christians approach counseling. Proponents of all four views agree, at least in theory, with the following statement: God gives us knowledge of human psychological problems not only through special revelation of the Bible but also through the general revelation of empirical observation. But while all four views incorporate this principle in theory, they apply it very differently in practice. In this section of the lecture Lee Eclov highlights the differences in these models. - 16
16. Sin. What happens when we sin?
Sin dries out souls, leaving parts of our inward lives hardened against God, as if the nerve endings were deadened and the muscles atrophied. Worse still, sin in us is a contagion - spreading spiritual toxins throughout our own lives and then infecting others. How does sin affect the body, mental health and the soul? What does the Scripture say about sin? In this section of the lecture Lee Eclov answers these questions and talks about the consequences of sin. - 17
17. Sin. Problems the Pastoral Counselor Might Face.
What should the counselor do once sin has been identified and acknowledged? What if the counselee doesn't agree that it is sin? How do we lead people to grace? In this section of the lecture Lee Eclov gives practical examples and talks about problems the pastoral counselor faces in dealing with someone's sin and teaches how to handle them. - 18
18. Building with Broken People. Psalm 103.
In Psalm 103:1-5 David, the psalmist, is speaking to his soul about the benefits of our salvation. In this section of the lecture 'Building with Broken People' Lee Eclov shares biblical principles on forgiveness and helping people with diseases of the soul. What's the difference between a disease of the soul and sin? Watch this video to find it out. - 19
19. Building with Broken People. Lessons Learned: Grace Brings Out the Worst in People.
Grace brings out the worst in people, like a poultice. A poultice is medicine covered in cloth and placed over a wound to draw out an infection. We all love to hear testimonies of God’s grace. Pastors also hear pre-testimonies. We hear the terrible things that happened before Jesus saved someone. We hear how those things hang on sometimes to torment Christians. In this section of the lecture 'Building with Broken People' Lee Eclov gives advice on how to separate guilt from regret and confront sinners. - 20
20. The Pastor’s Tools: Authority, Wisdom & Grace
Pastors need to be careful how they handle authority. Ministry leaders need wisdom that comes at the intersection of their Bible study, ministry conversations and reflection. A pastor needs pockets full of grace. In this lecture Lee Eclov speaks about three essential tools in the pastor's toolbox: authority, wisdom and grace. - 21
21. Key Transformative Biblical Principles
When we consider how to use Scripture to help people deal with sins and diseases of the soul, let alone less inward issues, it can be daunting because we feel as though we know so little of the Bible. But there are relatively few transforming life principles in Scripture. Many texts point to these basic principles. They are all centered in Jesus Christ. Without a relationship with Jesus, and the truth of Jesus, these do not work. In this lecture Lee Eclov shares some practical examples and asks you to identify transformational principles that can help in each situation. - 22
22. Listening. The most basic gift and skill.
'The first service that one owes to others in the fellowship consists in listening to them', wrote Dietrich Bonhoeffer. What happens when a pastor or Christian friend listens well? In this section of the lecture Lee Eclov talks about the importance of the ministry of listening and identifying embedded theology that shapes a person's life and practices. Do you want to be in control and earn trust? Then learn to listen. - 23
23. Listening . Four Attributes of Empathy.
To understand another person's feelings, we have to be in touch with our own feelings. To be able to see the world as others see it, we must put aside our own 'stuff'. To connect with people we need empathy. In this section of the lecture Lee Eclov talks about four attributes of empathy. - 24
24. Prayer in Counseling
Sometimes the best thing you can do for people who come for counseling is pray for them. You can pray before a session, during a session or after a session. In this lecture Lee Eclov talks about praying for counselees 'in the Spirit' with Biblical words and ideas. Watch this video if you want to learn to pray thoughtfully and pray in faith. - 25
25. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
One of the most basic and widely-accepted approaches to counseling is cognitive behavioral therapy. It is based on the idea that our thoughts cause our feelings and behaviors, not external things, like people, situations and events. In this lecture Lee Eclov looks at the benefits of cognitive behavioral therapy and explains the process of helping others to find new ways of thinking and responding. - 26
26. 'Connecting', by Larry Crabb
This lecture is based on the book 'Connecting' by Larry Crabb. Lee Eclov covers some of the ideas from the book and looks at the pattern of retreating, reproving and referring. He talks about people who see the problem as an issue of stubborn will, psychological damage or disconnected soul. Watch this video to learn Larry Crabb's view on people's problems. - 27
27. Recapping and Strengthening What We’ve Learned
What can a counselor discover by listening well? What happens when you listen past the facts? What’s next to hear? What can’t listening do? When must the counselor become the main speaker? When the counselor speaks, what are his/her most beneficial approaches? When is it good to give advice? What’s wrong with giving advice? In this lecture Lee Eclov answers these questions and recaptures and strengthens the things you've learned about listening. - 28
28. The Continuum of Care
Pastors don't have to solve all the problems by themselves. They have the benefit of the whole church, both local and beyond, in helping care for people. In this lecture Lee Eclov shares some examples where the congregation could help the counselor and talks about community as a necessity of pastoral counseling. - 29
29. “Boundaries & Roles in Ministry Counseling” by Dr. Miriam Stark Parent.
It's a counselor's responsibility to set boundaries. Weak boundaries lead to burnout. Boundaries are necessary to protect the counselor's emotional and spiritual health. Pastor Lee Eclov shares his personal experience and some helpful thoughts from the book 'Boundaries & Roles in Ministry Counseling' by Dr. Miriam Stark Parent. - 30
30. Boundaries in Pastoral Counseling. Four Common Boundary Issues.
In this section of the lecture 'Boundaries in Pastoral Counseling' Lee Eclov looks at four common boundary issues: multiple role relationships, sexuality&gender boundaries, confidentiality and competency issues. Watch this lecture to learn how boundaries operate and what makes a counselor vulnerable. - 31
31. Wiseman, Pastor, Prophet, Priest: Tailoring Your Counseling Style
In this lecture Lee Eclov gives four different scenarios and four options to choose from. Which style of counseling should you use in different situations? Are you a wiseman, a pastor, a prophet or a priest? Watch this video to find it out. - 32
32. The Power of Blessing
How do we bestow and receive blessings? When is a good time to bless someone? In this lecture Lee Eclov talks about the neglected power of blessings. He focuses on Numbers 6:24-27 and explains how a blessing like that can be part of counseling. - 33
33. Christians Facing Suffering
What does 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 say about suffering? Does the teaching of this passage apply to those who are not being persecuted but who are suffering from broken relationships or heartbreak over children? In this lecture Lee Eclov does the Bible study and case study on Christians facing suffering. - 34
34. Depression. Common Causes of Depression.
Depression is always a spiritual issue, no matter what its cause. It can be a person's sinful response to something that's happened or it can be the experience of a victim who tries to bury the anger and hurt. In this section of the lecture Lee Eclov talks about the common causes of depressions and focuses on Psalm 88 in which deep personal darkness is described. - 35
35. Depression. Signs of Depression.
This lecture is based on the chapter about depression from Christian Counseling by Gary Collins. You will learn about signs and causes of depression. What feelings, thoughts and behavior are typical for a depressed person? Watch this video to find it out. - 36
36. Depression. Helping with Depression.
This lecture is based on the chapter about depression from Christian Counseling by Gary Collins. Pastor Lee Elcov talks about biblical remedies which will help people to trust in God during the time of deep personal darkness. To wrap up this lecture he reads a story from a young woman who went to two Christian counselors. What's the difference between a good therapist and a bad therapist? Watch this video to find it out. - 37
37. Grief
In this lecture Lee Eclov shares several observations about grief. He reads the email of his friend Marilyn, whose husband suddenly died. The grief journey was getting the best of her. She thought that God took her husband's life to humble her. Watch this video to learn what Pastor Lee wrote to her in response. - 38
38. Healing
What is the place of healing prayer in pastoral counseling? In this lecture Lee Eclov looks at James 5:13-18 to find the answer to that question. He also shares his personal experience with healing prayer. - 39
39. Spiritual Warfare in Counseling. Satan’s Work Against Believers.
What do we know about Satan’s work against believers? In this section of the lecture 'Spiritual Warfare in Counseling' Lee Eclov looks at key passages in the Scriptures about the father of lies. Do you want to be prepared to deal with issues of spiritual warfare? Watch this video to find the answers about demonization. - 40
40. Spiritual Warfare in Counseling. Special Conditions Behind Demonic Activity.
Satan may attack a believer in a way no one expects, but usually certain behaviors open people to demonic activity. In this section of a lecture Lee Eclov talks about activities which surrender the mind and other activities that make a person vulnerable to Satan. He shares stories and personal experience about demonic oppression and gives Christian ground rules that will help to take back the ground which Satan has claimed in his life and surrender to Christ. - 41
41. General Work of Pastoring. The Gift of a Shepherd.
You need a special gift to be a shepherd of God's people. In this section of the lecture 'General Work of Pastoring' Lee Eclov talks about the pastor's heart and shares some ideas and stories from his book 'Pastoral Graces'. What lessons can a pastor learn from visiting people in hospitals? How can you take grace into non-Christian environment? Watch this video to find the answers to these questions. - 42
42. Work of Pastoring. Worship service.
What do we need to worship God? What is the job of the pastor in leading people to worship God? What should a prayer focus on? In this section of the lecture 'General Work of Pastoring' Lee Eclov talks about basic elements and skills that are traditionally a part of worship services. - 43
43. General Work of Pastoring. Believer's Baptism.
Baptism celebrates the believer’s entrance into Christ’s church. Do the candidates for baptism need a lot of training to be baptized? How should a pastor perform baptism? In this section of the lecture 'General Work of Pastoring' Lee Eclov talks about the basic elements of baptism and explains the symbols of baptism. - 44
44. General Work of Pastoring. Pastoral Moments.
There are some things that are really important for a pastor to do during the worship service. There are things that only a pastor can and should do. In this section of the lecture 'General Work of Pastoring' Lee Eclov shares his personal experience and regrets. He also talks about the enjoyable pastoral moments in the ministry. - 45
45. General Work of Pastoring. The Funeral Service.
Seldom is there a more important time for a pastor to demonstrate the tender love and care of Christ, the Good Shepherd, than at funerals. There is no one right way to do the funeral. In this section of the lecture 'General Work of Pastoring' Lee Eclov shares some valuable things that will help to put the funeral service together. - 46
46. General Work of Pastoring. Wedding.
It is one of the pastor’s great privileges to perform weddings. Thorough pre-marital counseling should precede any wedding. In this section of the lecture 'General Work of Pastoring' Lee Eclov talks about activities preceding and following the ceremony. Watch this video to see a practice wedding and see the way it's done. - 47
47. General Work of Pastoring. Dedication of Children.
One of the most heartwarming things a pastor gets to do is dedication of children. A request for dedication provides a great opportunity for pastoral contact with the parents, including a challenge to trust Christ. In this section of the lecture 'General Work of Pastoring' Lee Eclov shares some ideas and practical tips on how to prepare parents for the service. - 48
48. General Work of Pastoring. Communion.
Communion, as simple as it is, has several different important connotations: remembering Christ’s work, spiritual nourishment, fellowship with the Lord and his people, and our anticipated reunion with Christ and the wedding supper of the Lamb. In this section of the lecture 'General Work of Pastoring' Lee Eclov talks about the sacred responsibility of a pastor.